Quality education is something that every country always wanted even before the announcement of the Sustainable Development Goals and multiple countries already tried to get a good education. But not all countries are trying. Some countries, like Ethiopia for example, have only few people going to school, and it seems like the government isn’t doing much. We are the Journalists, a CLE group, and we will talk about the fourth global goal which is “Quality Education”. Since the 2000’s, there has been an enormous progress in achieving the target of universal primary education.

According to sdgfund.org, “The total enrolment rate in developing regions reached 91 percent in 2015, and the worldwide number of children out of school has dropped by almost half”, this means that the goal is working and more and more children are getting into schools, and it also means that the goal can be completed. This goal is also one of the primary goals in our school, because our school is an international one and if it doesn’t provide quality education, then what is it good for? Quality education is very important, as it allows children to be able to go to college, have a degree and such. If a country doesn’t have quality education, then it will be hard to get a scholarship in that country.

However, the progress is facing tough challenges like high levels of poverty, armed conflicts, large differences between the rich and poor, etc. According to sdgfund.org, “While sub-Saharan Africa made the greatest progress in primary school enrolment among all developing regions – from 52 percent in 1990, up to 78 percent in 2012 – large disparities still remain.”, this means that although sub-Saharan Africa has made great progress, most of these children are from rich families, with poorer children are 4x more likely to be out of school than the richest ones.  This is a big problem, that is why there is also a “No Poverty” goal.  But the goal that we are talking about is the “Quality Education”, so if you want to learn more about the “No Poverty” goal, check out some information online.

Our school is already helping with this goal such as educating the students well. Thus, we believe that our school gives quality education. We are the Journalists, and this is our article about the fourth global goal.

By: Arjuna (Grade 7 student)